Ever since the shipping companies (UPS, Post Office, FedEx) started using dimensional shipping it's been impossible to write an algorithm that's anywhere near accurate if you're ordering more than one item. I have about 200 different pieces and they can be ordered in any combination and quantity, so while I, a human with lots of experience, can look at an order and think 'ah, two Titanium flutes and six Veronese Double Old Fashioned, that would go into a 16x12x12 box and weigh 8 pounds' a computer can't do it. Since I care about accuracy and not overcharging for shipping this is the best way to go about it that's fair to both of us. (some marketplaces are pushing their shop owners to use free shipping and if they don't the shipping can be draconian - because major companies don't have any idea how to figure it either, and you can't skimp on shipping glass).

So that's the shipping issue, now onto to credit cards (if you've stuck with me this long!): About a decade ago the credit card companies initiated PCI compliance - a system that checks websites that accept credit cards for security and un-hack-ability. This is a great idea and I've always supported it, but once again, it got so out of hand that web hosting companies didn't want to have to deal with it and so they charge a small fortune to have each website have it's own server so that the website can pass PCI compliance. My website has always been secure, in internet ways it's like a high electrified fence and a couple of big dogs. Anyway, since I've been thinking about going this direction just for the shipping issue I've decided to combine the two issues into one solution. My vendors use systems like this - I tell them what I need and they send me a Square invoice. It works great and it's fair to everyone.

Note: if you'd like to call me with your credit card info and have me hang on to it for future use that's great too - then whenever you need something you can just shoot me an email and I'll take it from there. A lot of my repeat customers like this option a lot. Thanks for reading this long winded screed! As always, if you have any questions please do feel free to email me at orders@fantasyglassworks.com.

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